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Douglas F-3D-2T2 (TF-10B) Skyknight
My wife & I visited your fine museum and were impressed by your facilities and personnel. I had the good fortune to fly on one of your specific display aircraft, F3D # 51-25807 (F10B). My fist flight on that aircraft took place on 5 Jan 1980. I was in the air, part of a three ship formation, in another Raytheon bailed aircraft at the time of 807’s crash landing [A wheels up landing ended its flying career in 1981. Rather than being repaired, it was used as a source for spare parts to keep other two F-10s flying.]. I also, during my 23 years with the USAF, had the good fortune to fly in a large variety of both fixed and rotary winged aircraft, ranging from a RC121D thru the F4D, and Bell 47G’s thru the HH53H. All of these were flown in support of a variety of DOD research and development programs. After retiring from the Air Force I continued to fly for the US Army as a contractor working for New Mexico State University. Our primary aircraft were the Raytheon Bailed RA3B, and three F10B’s. The USAF aircraft were the ET39B aircraft serving as “Little Crow” aircraft. I did this for another 26 years before retiring.
Shaun Finn
January 2019
Lockheed EC-121T Warning Star
I was just looking at your virtual tour of this aircraft and it brought back a few memories from my short stay at Korat in early 1973. I have at least one mission in that bird (still have my flight records) and other missions in the others stationed there. I was on loan from the 6990th in Okinawa riding a rack in what was called 'The Squirrel Cage'. Located just aft of the cockpit on the starboard side across the aisle from the bunks. Looking at your pics I see the equipment is gone, but you can see the connectors on the bulkhead where they were tied into the antennas and other things. The one thing that is left is the rail where the curtains hung. Because we worked in a different security clearance environment than the rest of the crew, after takeoff we had to close the curtains before going to work. Hence, 'The Squirrel Cage' with the 'Secret Squirrels' working in it. Hope you enjoyed, V/R Peter C. Zahorodny CMSgt, USAF, Ret.
March 2016
Grumman US-2A Tracker (FAA Reg. Number N486GT)
I was elated to discover that you have "486" on display at your museum. I took my first S2F flight in "486" on 8/2/56, as well as several others over the next seven months,
operating both radar and ASW equipment while attached to VS-31 at
Quonset Point. I am planning to visit your museum on July 8, this
year, during a trip to Chicago.
Robert Schwartz
May 2011
Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk (US Navy BuNo 158716)
The Combat Air Museum has an airplane in your museum that my husband flew in the fleet. The A-4 Skyhawk that you have on display has Lt. Jethro Flodin on the side of the plane and that is my husband. He probably has about 800 hours in that plane. Some of his friends let us know that it was in your museum and we found the photo online. We are honored that his military legacy lives on in your museum. He just received his Navy retirement papers about a month ago. He served in the fleet for 11 years and spent about 10 years in the reserves. We would love to come to the museum at some point. I would really like to get some photographs of our four year old son with my husband and the airplane.
Suzanne Flodin
April 2011
Meyers OTW (Out To Win) Serial #1 (FAA Reg. Number N15784)
We found our dad's old airplane on the CAM website, what a surprise! Eugene Williams has passed on, but the Meyers survives. We were born after he owned this plane, but he talked about doing barrel rolls (something he did with the previous plane) until he heard the wing fabric ripping. Now we will have to visit Topeka!
Children of Eugene Williams, Sandra, Linda, Dan & Virginia
November 2010
Canadian Car & Foundry (North American) Harvard Mk IV (FAA Reg. Number N294CH)
I was somewhat surprised to see the old girl again, John and I put a good many hours on her. Of all the aircraft I have flown she still holds the fondest memories for me, and every time I hear that familliar rumble of a radial and the snarl of that prop my eyes turn skyward and a smile comes to my face. It is great to see her being preserved and displayed as she is. Looking back it is a wonder she survived some of the things we did with her, I am sure the poet that wrote High Flight must have flown a Harvard. John Bootsma unfortunately is no longer with us as he passed on last year. Take care of the old girl, it was nice to see her again.
K Dusterhoft, Drayton Valley Alberta Canada
March 2008
Beech RU-8D Twin Bonanza (Serial # USAF 58-1358)
While brousing aricraft at various air museums I came across the picture of the RU-8D known as Lonley Ringer 358 by the guys in the 138th RRU at Danang Vietnam. I flew many missions in 358 with Mr. Clapham. On one occasion Mr. Clapham saved our lives when we flew into the propwash of a C-130 during our landing flair. Mr. Clapham was flying co-pilot that day and when the pilot froze Mr. Clapham grabbed the controls and managed to get 358 back in the air and saved our lives. He was a great pilot and a good officer, I have thought of him often and am sorry to hear about his passing. Take good care of 358, she took good care of us and deserves to be displayed in your museum.
Ron Knight, SP/5 United States Army Security Agency
138th Aviation Co. 224th AVn Btn Danang Vietnam 1966-67
April 2008
Beech SNB-5 Twin Beech Model 18 (FAA Reg. Number N87693)
I reported to Fasron 895, Whidbey Island, (Oak Harbor) Washington in November 1952 and served
with the unit thru January 1955, as an Aviation Structural Mechanic.
The first aircraft I ever worked on was the above pictured SNB 5. What a
thrill to a 76 year-old man to see something he "cut his eye teeth" on. As
best I can recollect some of the major maintenance problems we faced
were, fuel leaks and brakes. I was involved in all of the periodic checks on this plane, along with post flight gripes. There were times
I wished the plane would go elsewhere, but I have to admit, it gave me
the background to work on other types of aircraft. Oh yes, I also got
to fly as an observer on instrument training flights in order to
qualify for a 1/2 set of flight pay. Some of the instrument and GCA landings were interesting to say the least. Thank you again from an ex "airdale"
Eugene Hoenig
July 2009
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